Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Interview a other person in your class

English 8th Period..... A+ :))

Homework (Interview to Cara)

“Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon.. “(Unknown)
is probably the way many exchange students thing, like Cara, she traveled from her hometown, Verden, Germany,  to Colchester  to make some new experiences. It seems to be really different from her home, she told me that primarily the school is different “ We normally not having lunch in my school back home” I wonder if  a change like this, to live in a different country inspires  people  to try more new things, Cara for example is starting with  tennis. But some things might never change, for example that she loves shopping, chocolate and good movies, well who do not? So is her answer to the question, what would she do if there were given unlimited resources to her not a big question,”I would be social and spend some money to help poor children, and of course I would go shopping”
Right now she is living with 2 host sisters and her host parents  in Colchester and has right now not an exact idea what she wants to do later. Well, that’s Cara, I hope have given you a good idea  about her and what is important to her, by the way, she describes herself as an “curious, friendly and sometimes  sarcasm” person. But find out by yourself,


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